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Jack's Creek Wagyu Beef

Wagyu beef is the best marbled beef in the world and is famous for being tender, juicy and healthy. Wagyu, which means ‘beef of Japan’, is a Japanese pure breed of cattle dating back to 1830 and until recently, it was not available anywhere else in the world.
About Us

Australian Certifi ed Wagyu Beef Pty Ltd, trading as Jack’s Creek Marketing, have led the fi eld as one of the fi rst Australian companies to breed, grow, feed, process and market Wagyu beef. Our vertically integrated company ensures quality is consistent from the ground up. From growing our own superior, GM-free grain right up to preparing specialty cuts for customers worldwide, our quality is guaranteed. We are continually seeking ways to innovate, improve and progress our operations, from providing ongoing training for staff to applying the latest cattle management technologies and techniques. We provide each and every customer with our Wagyu guarantee: tender and juicy Wagyu beef full of fl avour with every bite.

Why Wagyu?

Wagyu beef is the best marbled beef in the world and is famous for being tender, juicy and healthy. Wagyu, which means ‘beef of Japan’, is a Japanese pure breed of cattle dating back to 1830 and until recently, it was not available anywhere else in the world. As beef connoisseurs, we were already fans of the tender beef with the international reputation and relished the opportunity to produce Wagyu beef when the breed was introduced to Australia in 1991. We began to cross our Black Angus Herd with Tajima Wagyu breed to produce the superior marbling characteristics unique to the Wagyu breeds. Wagyu cattle produce unsaturated fats to a much greater degree than any other beef breed in the world, giving the meat its unique fl avour and delectable tenderness. Full of ‘healthy fats’, Wagyu beef also contains essential combined nutrients not found elsewhere, with all the essential amino acids present in the correct ratio to build proteins for strong and healthy bones.
